Royal Hutt River
Defence Forces


Office of the Commander in Chief
HRH Prince Leonard





Australian Defence Force Army Cadets drop by for review!


June 3rd 2006 saw the arrival of 25 Cadets and 3 Officers of the Western Australian based
Australian Defence Force 58 Army Cadet Unit from Carine, Western Australia.





HRH Prince Leonard on the steps
of the Government Building

58 ACU - Carine

Commanded by Capt. (O.O.C.) Peter deMasson the 58 ACU - Carine disembarked from their transport and formed up into three rows prior to their formal march into Nain and March past HRH Prince Leonard, who took the Royal Salute from the steps of the Government building dressed in uniform, Royal Hutt River Army Summer Khakis (without braid).


Viewed by a large group of visiting Australian and overseas visitors gathered around the Government building along with a number of members of the Royal Family, the Australian Army Cadets then formed up on parade in front of the Government Offices for an inspection of the ranks by HRH Prince Leonard escorted by CUO Caporn.


Following the inspection of an excellently turned-out unit, Prince Leonard, as Commander in Chief, Royal Hutt River Defence Forces, then presented each member, and the Unit, with a special signed and individually named, laminated Certificate and Entry/Exit visa to commemorate the visit and to acknowledge and celebrate this year, 2006, as being the 'Centenary year of the Australian Army Cadets!'

On the recipients names being called, each responded with a resounding "Sir" and stamp of boot and advanced to HRH Prince Leonard to exchange salutes, receive their certificates and handshake/word from HRH.


On completion of the formal entry/receipt of the Unit, all then about faced and performed a ceremonial raising of the flags of both countries.

As the National Anthem of the Principality played, HRH Prince Leonard led the salute as his grandson, Troy, raised the Principality's Flag, once completed all eyes then turned to and saluted the raising of the Australian National Flag, raised by a Colour Party from 58 ACU - Carine as the Australian National Anthem sounded out.


On completion of formalities, HRH then led the cadets on a tour of the Principality's main buildings, commencing with the Chapel of Nain and both introduced himself and the history of the Principality to the members, fielding a stream of excellent questions from many individuals throughout the tour.

Much interest being shown on the history of the Hutt River Defence Forces the Ceremonial forces of the Principality and their equipment and missions in various locations around the world.


Following the 2 hour visit, the unit again formed up on parade and exchanged salutes with Prince Leonard at which point CUO Caporn thanked HRH Prince Leonard for his hospitality in receiving the Unit and for his willingness to show them around and led the unit in a round of applause.

Permission was requested to again allow the 58 ACU - Carine to return to the Principality at a future time.......this request was granted with honour by HRH Prince Leonard on behalf of the Principality at which opportunity HRH again offered his thanks for the visit.

The 58 ACU - Carine then marched out, again in the well formed 3 rows and returned to their transport and their camp in Northampton, Western Australia.

A true credit to the ADF and Unit Commanders of the
58 ACU - Carine!

Click Here for
Australian Army Cadet Site

Awaiting the units arrival.



'Eyes left - salute'!



CUO Caporn invites HRH Prince Leonard to inspect the parade.

CUO Caporn escorts HRH
around the parade.

CUO Caporn escorts HRH
around the parade.





Capt (O.O.C.) deMasson
receives the unit Certificate from
HRH Prince Leonard





About to be dismissed.

HRH Prince Leonard leads the unit into the Chapel to begin the escorted tour of part of the townsite of Nain.



Intrigued cadets look at what Prince Leonard has to show them.

Cadets listening to what
Prince Leonard has to say.


Back to Perth.





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Principality of Hutt River
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