Government of the
Principality of Hutt River
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Royal Rhetoric Archive 2009 |
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By: |
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H.R.H. Prince Leonard |
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Sovereign of the Principality
of Hutt River and all its Territories. Protector of the Legends of the Nunda People, Commander in Chief Royal Hutt River Defence Forces, Knight Commander & Royal Protector of The Most Noble and Most Worthy Sovereign Order of The Crusaders Cross of Jerusalem, Grand Officier du Noble Ordre de Chevalrie et Religieux de la Couronne d'Epines. Grand Collar de l'ordre Souverain Militaire Teutonic et de l'ordre Chevalresque de la Sainte-Croix de Jerusalem. Cabildo de Cavalleros Cubicularios De San Ildefonso. Grand Collar of the Ordem General Abreu e Lima. Kentucky Colonel, Founder & Trustee of the Royal College of Advanced Research. Patron & Honorary Commissioner in Chief of the Legion of Frontiersmen, Independent Command, Canada. Patron of the "Royal Enfield Club of Australia Inc." |
December 2009 02nd December 2009 Greetings to you all! We wish to convey to all our people Season's Greetings and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. During this year there has been many pleasing
occasions or events which makes one enjoy life. There have been a number of T.V. crews here during
the year, including two German T.V. film crews, one of which was Channel
ARD-1. Our website recorded over 170,000 hits on one day following their
latest broadcast. Next year, April 21st will see the 40th
Anniversary of our Secession and we are preparing for the many who are
coming. A very special coin is currently in the final stages of design to
commemorate this event and a special stamp issue will also be made at that
time. There is much being planned for celebrations in the Principality
which are expected to be the largest the Principality has seen, so Nain is
a hive of activity as we prepare to cater for an influx of visitors. The
construction of an additional ablution block and a new caravan and camping
area just part of the works already underway. I am just finishing another book, "Re-Vision", in which I have given "Nature's Biological Clock" further mathematical details and which incorporates the Nature's "Energy of Creation Code", the "Spiritual Code" with a very interesting fact being found there with. This will be released in 2010, probably to coincide with the 40th Anniversary. Once again, all the best for the Season and please
stay safe one and all. Our Best Wishes to you all!
August 2009 27th August 2009 Greetings to you all! An important part of the celebrations held at this time is the announcement and bestowal of Awards. The "Birthday Awards list" is one of the three occasions each year that nominations received from both our Representatives and the public from around the world are examined and those found to be worthy of an award after a vigorous examination are announced. I have great pleasure in the fact that today, August 27th this latest list of awards bestowed upon people world wide, both Citizens and non Citizens of the Principality has been publicly announced and we here at the Principality congratulate all of these successful recipients on the honour that they have received and implore you all to read about these people and recognise the efforts that they have put into various areas that have, in the main, benefited others rather than themselves. The list of recipients in the 2009 Birthday Honours List is published here! In
celebrating my 84th Birthday I have especially written,
“Academic Revelations”, to thereby share with all people the greater
knowledge of, “Nature” and “themselves”. This publication is available in a booklet form (Signed by the author HRH Prince Leonard) from the Principality when visiting at a cost of $6.00 (or by mail for $8.00 or overseas mail at $10.00 inc. post). A copy in simple PDF sheet form is also made available at no charge via this website, (CLICK HERE!)
This research arose out of a simple request to me by one of our people, a personal friend who has since passed away.
“Academic Revelations”, is basically details taken from both, “The Holistic Nature of Reality” and “Reality of Nature’s Revelations”, which took considerable time for me to research, in between all the other major undertakings and duties that have been part of my life, generally.
I am pleased with my life and the friendships I have enjoyed and hope that in sharing the academic knowledge with others that I help them also to enjoy their life. Our Best Wishes to you all!
June 2009 15th June 2009 Greetings to you all! We have now entered the 40th year of our Independence and we look forward to this year culminating in the Celebrations that are being planned for here in Nain in April 2010. Meanwhile, whilst we await that occasion there is much happening
around the globe concerning the advancement of our Nation on the world's
stage. Efforts and actions put in by our overseas representatives has been
outstanding from many and a great deal has been achieved, or is in the
pipeline to be achieved and I look forward to the outcome of many of the
matters. My research in the energy fields of, creation, spiritual, nature's constants and verifying such with the Fibonacci Series has resulted in the publication of my latest book, "The Holistic Nature of Reality", with the greater details of the mathematics of the bonding of the mathematical codes of the related energies found to exist within nature. The research does effect some of the most ancient beliefs that mankind has and are still today believed by many persons, this belief is called faith. This research simply converts the belief of faith to a tangible reality, which thus confirms the belief/faith to the extent that the belief/faith is verified in real, visible terms. There has been a number of these manuscripts sent to various universities, Presidents of International States, and are available from the Principality in both manuscript form and CD. A certificate has been done by which a person's mathematical code is shown including the actual code of the Energy of Creation 142857 is within everything that exists and therefore it also exists within every person, including you, with no exceptions. Such certificates may be obtained by those who desire to acquire the "Certificate of the Spirit Code". Our Best Wishes to you all!
January 2009 12th January 2009 Greetings to you all! A very Happy and Prosperous 2009 to everyone. The Principality of Hutt River has made an application to the United Nations for Membership. The application is supported with documents verifying that under the Geneva Conventions of 12th August 1949 and the Australian Government Act 103 of 1957, the authority to govern the Principality of Hutt River rests with the Government of the Principality. It is to be trusted that now in the 39th year of the existence of the Principality that the United Nations will open its doors and recognise the Geneva Conventions and the Law of Australia and admit this Principality as a Member State and thereby dispel otherwise conclusions that the United Nations is purely a closed union of the more powerful nations. All are invited to study and consider our application and supporting documents herewith published. We wish all individuals and or International States to support this application with the United Nations. (CLICK LINKS TO VIEW) 1, 6th Dec 2008 U.N. Application .PDF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 1. Telegram to Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser 2/6/1978 .PDF 2. Letter to Swiss Federal Council 6/6/1978 .PDF 3. Letter to Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser 6/6/1978 .PDF 4. Letter to HE Sir Wallace Kyle 13/6/1978 .PDF 5. Letter to Swiss Federal Council 13/6/1978 .PDF 6. Letter to HE Sir Zelman Cowan 9/9/1978 .PDF Our Best Wishes to you all!
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