Government of the
Principality of Hutt River |
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Royal Rhetoric Archive 2013 |
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By: |
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H.R.H. Prince Leonard |
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Sovereign of the Principality
of Hutt River and all its Territories. Protector of the Legends of the Nunda People, Commander in Chief Royal Hutt River Defence Forces, Royal Protector of The Most Noble and Most Worthy Sovereign Order of The Crusaders Cross of Jerusalem, Grand Officier du Noble Ordre de Chevalrie et Religieux de la Couronne d'Epines. Grand Collar de l'ordre Souverain Militaire Teutonic et de l'ordre Chevalresque de la Sainte-Croix de Jerusalem. Cabildo de Cavalleros Cubicularios De San Ildefonso. Grand Collar of the Ordem General Abreu e Lima. Kentucky Colonel, Founder & Trustee of the Royal College of Advanced Research. Patron & Honorary Commissioner in Chief of the Legion of Frontiersmen, Independent Command, Canada. Patron of the "Royal Enfield Club of Australia Inc." |
December 2013 |
15th December 2013 Greetings to you all! Christmas is almost upon us in a year that has flown by so quickly. A year with many ups and downs though one which I will remember more for its downs given the loss of my wife of 66+ years Princess Shirley in July. November 23rd saw us celebrate the Life of Princess Shirley with ceremonies and displays, the unveiling of plaques and monuments in the Principality, the day that the Chapel of Nain was also dedicated to my late wife and renamed "HRH Princess Shirley's Chapel of Nain". Thank you to all of those who travelled to attend the day with us, to Celebrate the Life of Princess Shirley. I and the entire family certainly appreciated the show of support and remembrance given by so many people on November 23rd. The holiday season is almost upon us and I, along with all here in the PHR, take this opportunity to wish you all Seasons Greetings and all the very best for the New Year. Stay safe through the holiday period and give special care whilst travelling on the roads. The Principality will as usual reduce down to a skeleton staff as we try to let all get a break for a few weeks over the holiday period so that staff may spend some quality time with family and friends; From December 21 until Jan 06 we may not be able to attend to all enquiries, but a skeleton crew will still monitor emails and will be able to offer assistance, even be it a little slower than usual, to all urgent communications. All other emails/matters will be logged and attended to as soon as all return to their stations. Our borders will be closed for the only time of the year on December 25 & 26 to allow us all to spend quality time together as a family. They re-open again December 27 to receive visitors as usual between the hours of 9am and 3.30pm. Thank you for all the support throughout 2013, once again a very large thankyou for the outpouring of support following the loss of Princess Shirley, it would have humbled her to see such support. A special thank you to our many Representatives around the globe for helping us advance the Principality forward for yet another year and we look forward to the challenges that will come with 2014.
October 2013 | ||||||||||
27th October 2013 Greetings to you all! Firstly, thank you all for the kind and supportive messages of condolence that we have received in the post and electronically from so many people world-wide. Such messages do in fact help in coping with such a loss and show just how loved and cared about Princess Shirley really was. Today I still feel her loss very strongly though the many things to be attended help to keep the mind active and for the last few months, apart from the normal business of the Principality I have also been looking to and planning for the Final Farewell for Princess Shirley to be held in Nain, as the culmination of our 'Celebration of Life' in remembrance of all that HRH Princess Shirley gave to us in her 84 years on this earth (66+ years with me). Before providing information regarding the Final Farewell I must mention the 40th anniversary of the Royal Hutt River Postal Service which occurs on the 15th November 2013. The Royal Hutt River Postal Service, Post Office and first Postage stamps issued by us happened on November 15 1973 so Nov 15 2013 will see the 40th Anniversary of this important arm of the PHR Government. A special postage stamp issue has been designed, utilizing the artwork of the very first set of stamps issued in order to mark this occasion. The set of 5 stamps depicting local flora will be released on 15th November 2013 in the Post Office here in Nain. Orders and purchasing may also be conducted through our PHR-OnLine Service which you may visit here:,, PHR-OnLine
It is interesting to note that HRH Princess Shirley gave many hours
attending to the general tourists and their mail during the 40 years of
the Royal Hutt River Postal Service.
As mentioned, a 'Final farewell' for my late wife Princess Shirley will be held
here in Nain over the full day of Saturday November 23rd 2013.
This is a very special day to be put aside to remember
Princess Shirley.
As HRH Princess Shirley would undoubtedly like to show her appreciation
for those joining us for this occasion, a Red Cross of Hutt badge & a
small card will be presented to everyone who attends, as a a token of
remembrance. We look forward to seeing you all in Nain on Saturday November 23rd 2013. My Very Best Wishes and once again, most sincere thanks to you all!
July 2013 | ||||||||||
24th July 2013 Greetings to you all! This rhetoric I write with a very sad heart, though also one that celebrates the 66+ years that I had with my wife HRH Princess Shirley. On the 7th July 2013, Her Royal Highness Princess Shirley, of the Principality of Hutt River, passed away. Princess Shirley had been, for many
years, very active in receiving both general and special guests and tourists
in the Principality. She had a great friendly & informative manner,
easily relating to all. This was all done by her, in a way, as a show
of love and loyalty to the family. I greatly feel this loss of her, for we had 66 years of marriage without a cross word and great mutual love and companionship. The Royal Family all greatly miss her. I must take this opportunity to thank all those very, very many people who have sent cards and messages of condolence to myself and my family for the loss of Princess Shirley. Those condolences by way of cards and letters in the mail, notices in Australian newspapers, very many emails and of course by the large number of people who attended her memorial service held in Fremantle, the city where she was born, where we met, first worked together and were married, were so many that I cannot possibly respond to them all individually so I must take every public opportunity to thank you all. Your messages have meant much to us all at this time and all will be kept and archived in memory of Princess Shirley. On the occasion of my approaching birthday, August 27, Royal Hutt River Postal Service will release a special postage stamp to celebrate the life of Princess Shirley and in approx 8 weeks the Royal Hutt River Mint will also celebrate her life by releasing a very special coin in her memory, details on this coin will soon be released and I can already say it will be a first for the Principality Mint. In several months time there will be an occasion of celebration held in the Principality where a special service for HRH Princess Shirley will be held in the he Chapel of Nain, part of this celebration will see the naming of the Chapel as Princess Shirley Chapel and a memorial to her will be unveiled at that time. Whilst this event is still in the early stages of planning, all should watch our website for news on the postage stamp, the coin and of course the life celebrations that will be held to honour the life of HRH Princess Shirley
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April 2013 | ||||||||||
14th April 2013 Greetings to you all! Once again the time has got away and I find myself about to meet the date of our 43rd Anniversary of Secession on April 21, in fact just a few days away now. Our thoughts at this time however are not so much with
this occasion but rather with my wife Princess Shirley who has been ill for
some months now and it is time for me to ask that all may give some of their
energy and thoughts towards her and her wellbeing at this time as she fights
her condition. Here in the Principality the work continues with many visitors being received daily. Our representatives around the world are busy and thanks to the efforts of many, the cause of the PHR has been greatly advanced on the world's stage. Princess Shirley and I are extremely pleased with the growth of the newly formed Royal Hutt River Legion (Princess Shirley being the Hon Commander in Chief) and though the growth may be slower than we would have hoped for it is indeed growing and more importantly has already helped very many people in improving their quality of life as well as helped make many people more aware of the problems that many suffer. We again implore you to look towards joining this Arm of the Royal Hutt River Defence Force, an Arm which we believe may well be the world's first Military Arm ever formed as a charitable force, rather than a full-on Defence Force, though it is still very much a member of the RHRDF and has its ceremonial role to play within that group. In the second half of May the Royal Hutt River Postal Service will be releasing a new set of four stamps commemorating the RHRDF by way of featuring the Cap Badge designs of the four member arms of the Forces, this will be the first time the RHRDF's have been featured on our stamp issues. Watch the website for news of the release and FDC's and MUH/CTO stamps may be ordered/purchased by contacting or over the counter by visiting the Royal Hutt River Post Office here in Nain when visiting. The Royal College of
Advanced Research has, we believe, made a major research achievement
in respect of the research into "Natures Universal Law of Construction" and
more particularly into the relationship between the Micro Energy/Force to
the Macro Constructions. |
Given the concerns raised by our Subjects
resident in the Commonwealth of Australia I found agreement with many's
cause for concern over what are believed to be apparent "illegal borrowings"
made by the Commonwealth of Australia, borrowings that have assisted Australia in
sinking into the depths of debt to which they now find themselves. Given
this, I have written to The
Hon. Mark Dreyfus AC, MP Attorney-General and followed up with a letter to
Her Excellency
Ms Quentin Bryce AC
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, raising the concerns and
asking confirmation of some matters. I have now ordered copies of those
letters to be published so that our Subjects are aware that this Government
is indeed raising their concerns with the Australian Government.
Royal College of Heraldry![]() 2013 43rd Anniversary Honours ANNOUNCED! |
Royal Rhetoric Archives |
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