Government of the
Principality of Hutt River |
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Royal Rhetoric Archive 2017 |
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By: |
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H.R.H. Prince Graeme |
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Sovereign of the Principality
of Hutt River and all its Territories. Commander in Chief RHRDF Duke of Gilboa Earl of Canan Grand Master of the Order of Wisdom and Learning Minister of State & Education Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Finance & Treasury (Minister responsible for the Royal Hutt River Mint) Chancellor of the Royal Court Chancellor of the PHR Royal College of Heraldry & Chancellor of the PHR Royal College of Advanced Research Hon Commissioner in Chief: Legion of Frontiersmen, Independent Command, Canada & Legion of Frontiersmen, Independent Command UK Patron: Royal Enfield Club of Australia Inc. |
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14th December 2017 Christmas Greetings Reflecting on the past year as I write this I see why it has been a
tumultuous and busy year. February 11th this year saw a changing of the guard as
Prince Leonard abdicated and I, Our Beacon of Hope still shines brightly. We thank all those people who have supported us throughout this
year and all our past. My Best Wishes
November 2017 | ||||||||||
01st November 2017 Royal Rhetoric 23 October 2017 Greetings to all, When is a loss a win? Yes our Court of Appeal submissions were all dismissed. Whilst this is very disappointing, it was not surprising. Our court appearance finished at approx. 1:00 PM Friday 20 October 2017. Then at 3:07 PM an email appeared from the court with the written reasons for the decision. There was another case before the Justice Murphy and Justice Mitchell after ours, so the written reasons were prepared very quickly one thinks; if not before. In summary they state that; · The Principality of Hutt River is not an independent state · The purported declaration of secession from Australia in 1970 had (no) legal effect · The ATO certificates of assessment are prima facie evidence of matters establishing the taxation liability · Additional evidence should be refused as it is not in the interest of justice to receive the evidence…there is no possibility that the evidence would lead to a different result.
· The audit period was from 2006 to 2013. · They assessed our caravan park for that full period, even though it wasn’t built until 2010! · Visas were issued at no charge until approx. 2010, although they were assessed for the full stated period. · The 1980 ATO ruling stating that Tourism Income is tax exempt. · The 2008 ATO tax Assessment stating that LG Casley is a non-resident of Australia, therefore tax exempt. · This Court cannot rule on Sovereignty. To mention but a mere few.
The fight for justice will win. Assassin’s henchmen doing their dirtiest deeds under political instructions will be seen for what they are. The commercial pen wiping across people to annihilate them is very insidious. A swipe from a sword would be more honest and would leave one better able to defend oneself, rather than ignoring statute laws. Many a fight has been presented when; justice is not followed, people’s human rights are violated and I believe that the critical mass is coming. A revolution will be instant across nations. I am old enough and lucky enough to have been around to witness through the news, the coming down of the Berlin Wall and the eradication of apartheid. These happened quickly, once they began. The fight here continues. We have won as we have always followed justice and what is right using LAW as our sword.
September 2017 | ||||||||||
18th September 2017 Greetings to you all!
It has been very heart warming to
receive so many support donations for our legal fighting fund as well as
messages of support from all around the planet. The law is a very
expensive process to deal with and we are having to spend from what
appears needs to be a bottomless pit when we have but an egg-cup full, so
we will certainly appreciate your on-going support both emotionally and
financially towards our legal fighting fund as we continue on with the
August 2017 | ||||||||||
25th August 2017 Greetings to you all! The road to truth and justice can be a long and bumpy one. However one that we will travel no matter how long or bumpy it gets. The destination is so very much worth it all. Our Supreme Court Appeal application lodged on the 10th August was
returned to us with the advice to make our case more "succinct" and add a
schedule in tabular form listing the facts that are being challenged. Whilst
we were disappointed for all the long hours and hard work our legal team had
put in, we relished with the fact that the content appears to be sound. We
were graciously given an extension until the 5th of September to have it all
corrected and resubmitted. Thank you one and all for your continued support, both emotionally
and financially.
Some people wonder; “Has the law got anything to do with
Justice?” o Is the world looking at the demise of democracy? o Will the disgruntled masses operate in chaos? o From that chaos will a revolution be born and from that revolution a new paradigm of social rule? If history is to be a guide perhaps this is what we are witnessing,
however, it does not have to be. Would
this not allow us all to enjoy the beauty which life makes available? On
another note, a very happy birthday and the very best of wishes to my Father
HRH Prince Leonard on the occasion of his 92nd birthday which he
celebrates on Sunday August 27 with a get-together of family and friends
over a meal here in Nain on the weekend.
HRH Prince Graeme |
July 2017 | ||||||||||
30th July 2017 Greetings to you all! Firstly, a very big thank you to all those that have shown their interest and supported us to both develop our legal fighting campaign and assist us to prepare for the legal battles that lay ahead of us as we try to bring this argument with the Australian Government to an end and have the PHR fully recognised, rather than continue on with all this de jour recognition that Australia and so many others currently provide us.
It has been very inspiring to receive all the encouraging comments and face
to face visits, all of which help us in our resolve to continue the fight.
I am pleased to announce that we now have a legal team working with us diligently
14/15 hours a day here in Nain in order to get our legal arguments strong
and concise.
The battle began back in 1969 and of course is continuing today. To their
credit, Prince Leonard and Princess Shirley (our founders) have remained
true and strong to the fight for truth and justice. They have not yielded to
the dirty tricks of tyranny and its Government. They have always been loyal,
open and honest, full of Love for others and interested in their
circumstances. From an era when; your word was your bond and a hand shake
cemented the deal.
Some may say naïve, however we, the people of the PHR and as so many others
have told us over the 47+ years, it is how we wish to run our lives, rather
than lower ourselves to that low state of dishonesty and mistrust that tends
to exist out there today. What will the words be on your Epitaph?
Prince Leonard and Princess Shirley can certainly hold their heads high with
how they have conducted their lives, full of Love and praise, close to
family, friends and nature, to be held in esteem with any other Prince,
Princess from around the world. Never have they felt better or worse than
others, they respected and treated all others as they would like to be
treated themselves and that is how We wish to continue on as We lead the
Principality and its people. Perhaps the peoples of the court and within the Australian Governments could learn something here. It is our aim to win this fight and then We can truly lead the PHR on to the next level. It is with your help and support that we will achieve this.
motto on my coat of arms is: “Maintain Le Droit”, Maintain the Right, which
is my endeavor and the calling for The Principality of Hutt River. My Best Wishes
HRH Prince Graeme
June 2017 | ||||||||||
10th June 2017 Greetings to you all! We are living in very interesting times and many a scholar has uttered those words during the history of life on Earth. Some interesting issues we could do without, however life presents us with these matters. It is not only what we do with these matters but more importantly how we deal with them. Over forty seven years ago a man with his wife and young family were happy investing their time and money into developing a wheat and sheep farm. All were enjoying the ebb and flow of those happy days. Full of hard work, Mother Nature’s seasons and the fruits she gave back for that hard labour. Then the Wheat quotas came, almost breaking the wheat industry not only of the Casley family but across Australia. Leonard Casley chose to protest and argue the unjust nature of these. Not used to being challenged by the public a politician chose to establish a law to allow the resumption of any farming land in Western Australia. Again Leonard didn’t want to cow to the illegal and unjust treatment. With the threat of losing the Casley farm, the Governor not being able to stop it he acted with International law, Torren’s land title deed and good faith that justice will prevail. Recently, 1st June 2017 Leonard George Casley was invited by the Australian Taxation Office to present himself in the Supreme Court of Western Australia. This he did, as he wished to help them sort out an issue that they had. This of course was an attack on our Principality’s Sovereignty. After months of 100’s of pages of documents being exchanged and each side summarizing their case the judge left with a reserved decision. (See Press Release). Forty Seven years is a long time to wait for justice, however in the history of life perhaps not so long. Throughout their lives’ Prince Leonard and the late Princess Shirley always kept a positive attitude. When things got bleak they would deal with what they had and be thankful for the joyous things around them. If a summer storm came through and destroyed your crop, what could you do but pick yourself up and try again, for tomorrow is another day which presents chances to adjust and improve things as you go forward. A chance to react how you want and not a negative knee jerk reaction. This is a message from Mum, the late Princess Shirley, on how to live one’s life. “Joy to Life
Through the squabble always hear bells. Perhaps this is what is needed as we travel through life’s journey, especially given recent International events.
how we react to these life events that is so important. Prince Leonard has devoted decades attending to this very cause with his mathematical pursuits of micro energy (Spirit) fields. To quote Johan Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805). "A BEAUTIFUL SOUL HAS NO OTHER MERIT THAN ITS EXISTENCE". So go share the love and enjoy the joy. May those beautiful Souls be resting in Love with Joy.
HRH Prince Graeme
March 2017 | ||||||||||
31st March 2017 Greetings to you all! I would like to announce the Principality of Hutt River’s 47th Anniversary, my first as the Sovereign on Friday 21st April 2017.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their attendance here in Nain for the Abdication and Enthronement ceremonies that took place on February 11th and for all the messages of support that I have received since that date.
Now I would like to invite those in close proximity to the PHR and those passing through, to drop in for a chat and visit on Friday April 21st the anniversary date of the secession of this Principality and it's formation as an Independent Sovereign State. It is school holiday time so come on out at anytime on the day and why not bring a picnic for the family to share? Adults obtain visas on entry @ $4.00 ea. from the Government Offices here at the Post Office in Nain.
Cool drinks and coffee are available for purchase and whilst here, take the opportunity offered for a free guided tour to learn more about the Principality and the true facts about how and why we are here, 47 years after we raised our flag, a flag which still flies proudly over the Principality.
We will be releasing a new postage stamp issue, consisting of three stamps depicting the Abdication of Prince Leonard and the Enthronement of myself, Prince Graeme, that occurred in Princess Shirley's Chapel of Nain on the 11th February 2017.
For a ‘Gold Coin’ donation to Princess Shirley’s Charity Foundation we invite you to write a message of good will to be attached to one of 47 helium balloons to be released at 3:00PM on Friday 21/04/17. Those messages can be provided to us on a special card any time up until 2pm April 21, enquire at the Post Office whilst here.
I would like to thank all the visitors, neighbours, family and friends that have come out to visit with us over these many years. This year I am asking that you call in and reacquaint yourself with us. For those that haven’t had the opportunity to do so, please come on out sometime during the next few weeks and say ‘Hello”, we love to meet and greet our visitors. Prince Leonard, when his health allows, is still up for a good chat.
Thank you, I look forward to seeing you here.
HRH Prince Graeme
February 2017 | ||||||||||
18th February 2017 Greetings to you all! With a swipe of the pen, rather than the sword and
the passing of the Royal Robe, Sceptre and Seal, Prince Leonard’s
abdication was effected. But within those few minutes stood a man and his
47 years of unswerving dedication and tenacious pursuit of justice.
Justice for the Casley family and more importantly a shining light as an
example for all others fighting tyranny around the world. Follow your pursuits with enthusiasm and conviction. My best wishes
HRH Prince Graeme |
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H.R.H. Prince Leonard |
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Sovereign of the Principality
of Hutt River and all its Territories. Protector of the Legends of the Nunda People, Commander in Chief Royal Hutt River Defence Forces, Knight Commander & Royal Protector of The Most Noble and Most Worthy Sovereign Order of The Crusaders Cross of Jerusalem, Grand Officier du Noble Ordre de Chevalrie et Religieux de la Couronne d'Epines. Grand Collar de l'ordre Souverain Militaire Teutonic et de l'ordre Chevalresque de la Sainte-Croix de Jerusalem. Cabildo de Cavalleros Cubicularios De San Ildefonso. Grand Collar of the Ordem General Abreu e Lima. Kentucky Colonel, Founder & Trustee of the Royal College of Advanced Research. Patron & Honorary Commissioner in Chief of the Legion of Frontiersmen, Independent Command, Canada. Patron of the "Royal Enfield Club of Australia Inc." |
January 2017 | ||||||||||
26th January 2017 Greetings to you all! The Christmas and New Year celebrations are now over and we all have settled in to 2017. Something that has been on my mind for some time now is the question of when I should look at handing on the Sovereignty of the Principality of Hutt River. Having attained the age of 91 years and being in declining health for some time, I have decided that the time is right to do it now. Having been the Sovereign of our small nation for more than half of my life, a position that has been most rewarding at times and most difficult at others, I feel that it is time to hand over at a time when I am still around and thus able to offer help and support to my successor as he settles in to the position. I have thus made the decision I will abdicate my Sovereignty on February 11 2017 handing on that Sovereignty to my youngest son Prince Graeme, Duke of Gilboa, Earl of Canan, GCSOWL., Minister of State & Education, Grand Master of the Order of Wisdom and Learning, Chancellor of the Royal Court, Chancellor of the PHR Royal College of Heraldry & Chancellor of the PHR Royal College of Advanced Research. Prince Graeme in his position as Minister of State has, in the last few years, slowly been introduced to the Sovereignty by working with and alongside myself and has proven himself time and time again to be most able and just as importantly, most willing to lead this nation on into the future. I thank all of the very many people who, over almost 47 years since the foundation of the Principality of Hutt River, who have supported myself and my government through providing their support and assistance. A special thank you has to go to the very many who have taken on various diplomatic roles representing myself and the PHR, many of them unfortunately have now passed away, whilst many more remain actively in positions assisting the PHR and its government. This level of support is essential in the running of the nation and I both trust and believe that this support and assistance will be shown and provided to Prince Graeme as he takes up the Sovereignty and goes about the business of advancing this nation further. On the afternoon of Saturday February 11th in Princess Shirley’s Chapel of Nain there will be the formalities of the enthronement of Prince Graeme and for the final time as Sovereign I will be bestowing some special honours to some special people in Princess Shirley’s Chapel of Nain. Following these events there will be light refreshments provided and we invite all to attend to do so by RSVP to the main office confirming your wish to attend and how many are to be attending with you. RSVP Come and
join us in what is to be a celebration of both my time as founding
Sovereign and the enthronement of the PHR’s second Sovereign, Invitation to attend the abdication and refreshments afterwords: CLICK HERE!
Royal Rhetoric Archives
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