Royal Hutt River
Defence Forces

“"Boldly, Faithfully, Successfully"”

Royal Hutt River
Army Artillery

RHRL After Action
RHRA Artillery
St Barbara Awards
RHRAA After Action
RHRA Infantry
1NA-RHRG After Action
LFICC After Action


The Royal Hutt River Army Artillery, under the command of the Chief of the Royal Hutt River Artillery, was founded in 2005 as part of the Royal Hutt River Army. The Colonel-in-Chief of the 1st Regiment of Royal Hutt River Artillery is the Sovereign of the Principality of Hutt River, HRH Prince Leonard.

The Royal Hutt River Army Artillery has the following aims and purposes:

1. To represent the Principality of Hutt River and the RHRA while building relationships with the Artillery Branches of Service of friendly nations;

2. To work closely with the Royal Hutt River Military College - School of Artillery to develop and teach the proper drill and safety procedures for ceremonial, muzzle-loading artillery to other ceremonial artillery units and organizations world-wide; and,

3. To represent the Principality of Hutt River and the RHRA in historical and ceremonial demonstrations of artillery.

The Motto of the Royal Hutt River Artillery is "Fortiter, Fideliter, Feliciter," which is Latin for "Boldly, Faithfully, Successfully."


    Read the Revised Customs & Traditions of the Royal Hutt River Army Artillery by the Commander of the Royal Hutt River Army Artillery.    

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