Government of the

Principality of Hutt River


****** MEDIA RELEASE ******
        Issued: 11th February 2019        

Grave concerns held
for the health of
HRH Prince Leonard
11th February 2019

Media Release By:
 HRH Prince Graeme, Sovereign, Principality of Hutt River.


RE: Concern for the health of HRH Prince Leonard



HRH Prince Leonard was admitted to hospital over the weekend under the care of his Doctor, suffering from an extreme chest infection on top of his emphysema, all making it very difficult and tiring for him to breathe.  

Initial treatment as usual worked quickly to commence an improvement but then overnight his condition deteriorated and his family has been called in to be with him.

Prince Leonard at 93 years of age is struggling to stave off these problems as family members continue to gather and remain by his side as he valiantly continues to fight for his life.

At this distressing time we ask for your support, thoughts and prayers to be sent out to and for him, as well as for his family. 

We will release further news as it comes to hand and do thank you in advance for your support at this time.

With my thanks.



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